I mean, fo' rizzle. I just remembered a couple of videos I was little that I hated because they made fun of the things I liked. But a while ago, I relized that they don't hate that kind of stuff that they parody because its JUST A FREAKING JOKE! THE AOUTHERS DON'T HATE THE THING THEY PARODY, THEY JUST DID IT TO MAKE A JOKE! I mean, you people are so immature saying "SONIC DOESN'T SUCK! U SUCK!" or "why mario? why not something else?" People like that need to grow up and accept the fact that the movie is a joke, the auother has nothing againist the series/movie that they parody. So to all of the faggots who sit on their computer screen flaming some over the freakin' internet, grow some pubes, get a life, and for Christ sake, STOP LOOKING UP PORN AND JERKING OF TOO ANIMIE CHICKS WITH REDICULUSLY SIZED BOOBS!!
Videos you may not like because you don't understand that it's a joke:
I can take a joke, but not jokes which involve shit memes that come from 4chan.