It's like a retro killing game. It reminds me of Jaws, except more interactive.
It's like a retro killing game. It reminds me of Jaws, except more interactive.
I can't wait to illegally purchase this online! Oops, too late.
I know this is a stick based series, which explains why the animation i so smooth and well done. I don't have to foucus on the lack of chracter design. It's a bit short, but it's still so well done.
Its a good game. Hopefully the sequel will be just as goo.d
This Flixel
I like some of the games that are being made with this program.
Way cool
I like the game alot but it gets soooo hard as you progress. I barely made it past level 5!
Not bad
It's a pretty cool tutorial. It may com in handy one of theses fine days.
Thank you sir! Thank you kindly.
It does remind me of Sonic
This game is almost like the old Sonic games except you can't run super fast. It was pretty cool.
So I heard you leik fish sticks...
School sucks >:(
The Milky Way Galaxy
Joined on 8/20/08